Artwork by Southwest Washington and Oregon artists.

Posts in category sculpture

January 2024 Featured Artists

scaled models of surfbiards mounted on drift wood

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway Gallery on January 4, 5:30-7:00 pm. January is filled with many talented 3-D artist members’ artwork. You’ll be amazed at the various mediums used such as gourds, metal, wood, pottery, jewelry and fiber. View some of our newest 3-D members’ work- Joel Smith (wood sculpture), […]

December 2023 Featured Artists


Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway Gallery on December 7, 5:30-7:00 pm. Debra Neely will be signing her new book titled “words and wood” with pacific northwest wood cuts and haiku. We’re also featuring all members this month with an emphasis on our newest members such as Barbara Matkowski, Lisa Harrington, […]

Featured Artists November 2023

Close up view of 3 flowers

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway Gallery on November 2, 5:30-7:00 pm. Lisa Harrington exhibits her wide range of paintings and Tamara Hinck presents her NW designed wood masks and sculptures. Lisa’s newest works have varied subjects while Tamara’s works exude the shapes and colors established by the NW Indian tribes.  […]

May 2023 Featured Artists

close up of vegetation

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on May 4, 5:30-7:00 pm. Eileen Eddelman exhibits her unique portraits and nature scenes and Noël Datin McDonald delights us with her cheerful ceramics and sculptures. You’ll be dazzled by these two artists’ work.  Enjoy speaking with the artists, visiting with friends, having great refreshments […]

April 2023 Featured Artists

Neon Dream
36x36, $1650

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on April 6, 5:30-7:00 pm. Leon Lowman exhibits his brightly colored paintings and Richard Britschgi presents his lapidary sculptures. You’ll be intrigued by these two artists’ work.  Enjoy speaking with the artists, visiting with friends, having great refreshments and listening to the music by Brad […]

February 2023 Featured Artists

2 level falls in autumn colors

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on February 2, 5:30-7:00 pm. Carlene Salazar exhibits her unique nature scenes from various locations and Dan Newman presents his glass and ceramic structures. Enjoy speaking with the artists, visiting with friends, having great refreshments and listening to the music by John S Crocker. Carlene […]