Artwork by Southwest Washington and Oregon artists.

Posts in category painting

April 2023 Featured Artists

Neon Dream
36x36, $1650

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on April 6, 5:30-7:00 pm. Leon Lowman exhibits his brightly colored paintings and Richard Britschgi presents his lapidary sculptures. You’ll be intrigued by these two artists’ work.  Enjoy speaking with the artists, visiting with friends, having great refreshments and listening to the music by Brad […]

February 2023 Featured Artists

2 level falls in autumn colors

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on February 2, 5:30-7:00 pm. Carlene Salazar exhibits her unique nature scenes from various locations and Dan Newman presents his glass and ceramic structures. Enjoy speaking with the artists, visiting with friends, having great refreshments and listening to the music by John S Crocker. Carlene […]

December 2022 Featured Artists

Silverlake Overview

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on December 1, 5:30-7:00 pm. Eileen Thompson exhibits her paintings of animals and scenes and Trudy Woods with her wonderful functional and esthetic pleasing pottery. Enjoy speaking with the artist, visiting with friends, having great refreshments and listening to the music by Del Bialostosky. Eileen […]

October 2022 Featured Artists

orange and pieces of orange

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on October 6, 5:30-7:00 pm. Debra Chase exhibits her luscious images of fruit and vegetables and Mary Kohlschmidt will show her unique jewelry made with stones and copper. These artists are well-known gallery members who produce top quality art. Music will be provided by The […]

July 2022 Featured Artist

three sunflowers on a gray background

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on July 7, 5:30-7:00 pm. “Unboxed” is the theme for the work of our gallery member, Adrienne Stacey with her nature paintings and ceramics. This show exhibits the journey she has experienced transitioning from ceramics to watercolor. Music provided by Curtis Johnson. Adrienne Stacey– Watercolor […]

June 2022 Themed Art Exhibit

4 crows oin different positions

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on June 2,  5:30-7:00 pm. Nature at its best in “Birds of a Feather” is a themed exhibit by the gallery artists. Enjoy the unique and creative ways our artists have approached this subject. These beautiful works will delight your eyes and brighten your home. […]