Artwork by Southwest Washington and Oregon artists.

Posts in category painting

February 2016 Featured Artists

Lake Sacajawea

Join us at First Thursday, February 4th to meet the featured artists: Beth Bailey,  Betty Jurey, and Terry Strehlou.

January 2016 Featured Artists

Silk Painting 1

Join us at First Thursday, January 7 to meet the featured artists Susan Supola,  Renee Bliss Anderson, and Ray Cooper.

December 2015 Featured Artists

Coldwater Lake

Join us at First Thursday, December 3 to meet the featured artists Carol Boudreau,  Fran Reisner,  Jane Gerdon, and view the Gingerbread Haus Display.

November 2015 Featured Artists


Join us at First Thursday, November 5 to meet the featured artists Vicki Brigden, Scott McRae, Ann Munson, and Chris Warren.

October 2015 Featured Artists

Debra Chase, Trees in Fog

Join us at First Thursday on October 1 to meet our featured artists Debra Chase, Trudy Woods and Claudia Nix,  and enjoy our members show.

September 2015 Featured Artists

Artwork by Gail Wahlstrom

Join us at First Thursday on September 3 to meet our featured artists Gail Wahlstrom and Mitzi Christensen, and enjoy the paintings of Gini Smith who passed away last April.