Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway on June 2, 5:30-7:00 pm.
Nature at its best in “Birds of a Feather” is a themed exhibit by the gallery artists. Enjoy the unique and creative ways our artists have approached this subject. These beautiful works will delight your eyes and brighten your home. Music will be by John S Crocker.
Gallery Members “Birds of a Feather”
So many of our artists took the challenge to create a wonderful collection of their favorite birds and essence of birds. David Lee Meyers has some new work with photos printed on metal. Some of our expert bird artists- Carol Boudreau, Laurie Michaels, and Sharon Ballard have some truly realistic detailed paintings of birds in different environments. There are many 3-D artists as well, Linda McCord with some exotic hats and apparel, Samantha Furer with some neatly woven pieces with a natural feather look, Laurie Michaels with her rattle bird heads, Noël Datin McDonald with her ceramic birds, Jane Gerdon with her felted birds, Janet MacGregor with her truly awesome painted brushes and Beth Bailey with her wire sculptured birds. These and more will be on display for the month of June.
Look all around you. The display has filled the front of our gallery. Come see our Bird Fest. Bring your family and friends to our great show.
There’s always something special in our gallery. Don’t buy department store gifts and decor; Purchase something that no one else has to make someone feel special or your home look awesome.

Canadian Geese Family by Carol Boudreau

Owl Paint Brush by Janet MacGregor

Purple Martin by Laurie Michaels

Band of Four by Sharon Ballard

Felted Hat by Linda McCord