First Thursday ~ December 1, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Featured Artists
Lower Columbia Woodcarvers
Communities acrosss the country are banding together to encourage people to shop local. Why? Because supporting local business gives back to the community, helps dollars stay in the community, and helps jobs stay in the community. We like that idea!
The American Express credit card company even created Small Business Saturday encouraging people to do their holiday shopping locally on Saturday, November 26. Over 2 million people have joined a Facebook page called Shop Small.
We know the big retailers really put out the glitz for holiday dollars, with Black Friday, Friday/Saturday specials and Cyber Monday.
We also know that our gallery is full of unique gifts made by the hands of artists who live right here in our community, who have homes and families and children who go to school here, not by someone in China or India.
So we think it’s the perfect time of year to share the unique gift items you can find in our gallery, all under $50 and many under $25.
Shopping local will make a difference to each and every one of our gallery artists, we guarantee it!
Don’t forget Santa’s Workshop on December 6, 8, 13, 15 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. The cost is just $20!

Hand-made Boxes by Audrey Hoffman - $15

Knitted Hats by Di Morgan, $25 - $40

Earrings by Susy Halverson, $15 - $25

Painted Silk Scarves by Jan Lea - $30

Ceramic Figurines by Lorena Birk - $10

Wheel Carved Pottery by Robin Rudolph Rodenberger, $25 - $50

Hand-made Boxes by Diane Springer - $17

Quilted Fabric Handbag by Peggy Bodle - $65

Gourd Necklaces by Diane Springer - $28

Painted Silk Scarves by Jan Lea - $30

Scarves in Every Color of the Rainbow by Susy Halverson - $24

Ceramic Figurines by Lorena Birk - $10

Hand-made Boxes by Diane Springer - $17

Miniature Paintings of Horses by Lorena Birk - $99