Artwork by Southwest Washington and Oregon artists.

Posts in category painting

July Spotlight: Marisa Mercure

Goat Rock by Marisa Mercure

Meet Marisa and the July featured artists! First Thursday July 7, 5:30 – 7:30 pm Marisa Mercure’s paintings are featured in July, along with, Alice Beckstrom’s stained glass works, and the Lower Columbia Woodcarvers. You can meet the artists at First Thursday on July 7, 5:30 – 7:30. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite miniature […]

Artist Spotlight: Student Artists!

Student Work June 2011

You’re never too young, or too old, to create art! June is the month for our annual student art show. This year’s artists are very talented, and we think you’ll agree their work is outstanding. The show featured artwork by 20 oil painting students and 10 drawing and watercolor students, in addition to artwork by photojournalist […]

Zimbabwe Artists Project – June 2011

The Guinea Hen Lady, Embroidery by Francisca Chekacheke Nyazorwe, 26 x 33 (after a popular folk tale in Zimbabwe)

The Broadway Gallery is proud to bring the Zimbabwe Artists Project to Longview in June, for a showing of folk art created by the women artists of Weya in rural eastern Zimbabwe.   Melinda Gates and the Gates Foundation works to improve the lives of mothers and children through better nutrition and reproductive health. The […]

Salal Spring Arts Festival

Salal Spring Arts Festival

The Salal Review, by Kathryn Marks, gallery watercolor artist   The 2011 Salal Review will be available this week! Did you know there is a Salal Spring Arts Festival to celebrate the 2011 issue? You are invited to join the celebration! Salal Spring Arts Festival, and launch of the 2011 Salal Review Friday, May 27 […]

Artist Spotlight: Scott McRae

Scott McRae

Scott is a great believer in primary colors. You can always see them in the bright, freshness of his paintings. He mixes most of his colors from the primary colors of red, blue and yellow.   He paints in a somewhat Impressionist style, choosing common, ordinary subject matter, and applying paint intuitively, often from memory […]

Springing into Cinco de Mayo First Thursday!

Artwork by Marie Wise

We are springing into May with the opening of our show on Cinco de Mayo First Thursday, May 5 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Our featured artists are Becky Knold, Marie Wise and Della Moore. We’ll have music by Dian Norman and Mike Therault. We’re also kicking off the first of an ongoing series of door prize […]