Artwork by Southwest Washington and Oregon artists.

March 2025 Featured Artists

Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway Gallery on March 6, 5:30-7:00 pm.

Join us in celebrating March featured artists Holly Minnich, mixed media artist and Kirt Minnich, mixed media artist. Holly and Kirt are a unique couple who create in their own styles and media in very different ways. Their works of art are amazing and fascinating. Both of these Ridgefield artists offer 2-D and 3-D artwork. Come visit with them as their share their experiences as artists and spouses.
Enjoy speaking with Holly and Kirt Minnich as well as other Gallery artists, visiting with friends, and having great refreshments while listening to the music of Brad Matthews, guitar and vocals.

Holly Minnich – Mixed Media Artist

artist holding a small pottery sculpture

Holly Minnich

I call myself an artist of many colors – not just because I love color but I love many forms of art. My two main focuses are pottery and mixed media. My husband and I have a home pottery studio and enjoy creating things in clay while being together. I’d call myself more of a whimsical potter who enjoys sculpting. My mixed media takes my creativity in another direction of discovery. I love making art papers while using paint and ink and other art products to achieve something pleasing and yet unusual.
My husband, Kirt, and I are honored to be the featured artists in the Broadway Gallery in Longview for the month of March

redhead with a hat

Portrait of a Redhead

fish garden totem with textures

Fish Garden Totem

Multi-media Portrait

Multi-media Portrait

decorated wculpture with leaves and necklace

Sculpture of Queen Elizabeth

brightly colored ceramic butter dish

Whimsical Butter Dish




Kirt Minnich – Mixed Media Artist

Artist working on sculpture on clay

Artist working on sculpture on clay

My framed tiles are an art form I had not seen but wanted to pursue. The bas relief style of texture is something I incorporate into most of my work and has become somewhat of a trademark. There is no singular style to what I build so each piece is unique.



3-d stylized mountain with sun

Mount St Helens

green and rust colored stacked textured boxes

Stacked Boxes







textured bowl with handles

Aged Vessel

stylized flowers in a garden

Thoughts of the Garden

green textured tappered vase

Fun Vase

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