Join us for our First Thursday Reception at the Broadway Gallery on December 5, 5:30-7:00 pm.
Come welcome our December featured artist Barbara Wright, illustrator. She is an accomplished artist from Ridgefield who strives to stretch herself in new ways. Barbara enjoys combining art and science in everything she creates.
Enjoy speaking with the artist, visiting with friends, discovering gift ideas for Christmas and having great refreshments while listening to the music by Del Bialostosky.
Barbara Wright-Illustrator
Barbara has been passionate about both art and science from a very young age. She won an art competition in the 8th grade and bought an easel with her $50 prize money. In high school, she conducted an operant conditioning experiment on tarantulas, much to her mother’s dismay.
In her junior year at the University of Arizona, she found a field that blended both her art and science interests. She earned a degree and completed graduate classes at the University of Wisconsin in geography and cartography. She found a niche merging earth and social sciences with art and enjoyed a career in cartography for many years. If natural science illustration had been available to her when she first entered college, she probably would have gone into that field.
Barbara finds wonder and feels awe when viewing all aspects of nature. Her desire is to constantly expand her knowledge and share this wonder of natural marvels through her artwork. She is eager to educate others about science and art.
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